
January 25: An Excellent Cook (素晴らしい料理人) Tiana and her father, James, loved to cook. One night, Tiana decided that she wanted to make dinner all by herself. ティアナとお父さんのジェームズは、料理するのが大好きでした。ある夜、ティ…


January 24: The Sweetest Song of All (いちばんステキな歌) “Why is Quasimodo so sad?” asked Hugo. 「どうしてカジモドはあんなに寂しそうなの?」とユーゴは尋ねました。 “Judge Frollo has commanded that he never leave Notre Dame Cathedral,” an…


January 23: Hide-and-Seek (かくれんぼ) Dumbo had been the newest baby in the circus for quite a while. Then, one day the stork arrived with a brand-new delivery---a baby giraffe. 長いこと、このサーカスの中ではダンボが一番年下でした。そう…


January 22: A Tiny New Friend (小さな新しい友達) It had been a week since Cinderella’s stepmother had forced her to move out of her bedroom and into the attic of the old house, but Cinderella was still not used to her new sleeping quarte…

January 21: Money Matters (お金は大事) “Greetings, slotted pig,” said Buzz. 「ごきげんよう、溝穴付きブタ君。」とバズは言いました。 “Hello, Buzz,” said Hamm the piggy bank. “How are you getting used to life here in Andy’s room?” 「こんち…


January 19: Fish-in-the-Box (お魚びっくり箱) “Ariel?” Flounder called out timidly, poking his head inside Ariel’s secret grotto. Ariel had told Flounder to meet her there, but she hadn’t arrived yet. “I guess I’ll wait for her inside,” h…


January 20: Tough Audience (目の肥えた観客) The sticker on the door read ENTER AT YOUR RRISK. But Mike wasn’t scared. He had never met a kid he couldn’t crack up. Tossing his microphone from one hand to the other, Mike sauntered through …


January 18: Eeyore’s New Old House (イーヨーの新しい、古い家) One blustery January day in the Hundred-Acre Wood, the wind blew so strongly that it knocked Eeyore’s house right over! So Eeyore went to Pooh’s house. 1月のある嵐の日に、百…


January 17: Across the Sea(海を越えて) Anna and Elsa were on a royal tour. In the kingdom of Zaria, they were treated to a grand festival. アナとエルサはロイヤルツアーに出発しました。ザリア王国では、盛大なお祭りに招待されました。 “We’ve …


January 16: Basil Saves the Day (バジルの救出劇) It was young Olivia Flaversham’s birthday, and she was celebrating with her father. その日は若きオリビア・フラバーシャムの誕生日でした。彼女は父親とともにお祝いをしている最中でした。 Sudde…


January 15: A Mouse in the House (家の中にネズミ) Alice was a daydreamer. Once, she dreamed of a silly place called Wonderland. アリスは空想が好きでした。ある時、彼女は夢のなかで、不思議の国と呼ばれるおかしな場所にいました。 When Alice a…


January 14: Abracadabra (アブラカダブラ) Manny was not at his best. Gypsy could tell. Already that day, he had lost two magic wands and stepped on his turban. And with the matinee show at P.T.Flea’s World’s Greatest Circus about to begin…


January 13: Bows and Arrows (弓と矢) “Thanks, Mr. Hood!” Skippy Bunny hopped around holding the bow and arrow Robin Hood had just given him. “This is the best birthday present in the world!” 「ありがとう、フッドさん!」ロビン・フッドから…


January 12: Finding Ne-who? (二…誰をさがすって?) “The coral reef is falling down, falling down, falling down…” 「サンゴ礁が落ちた、落ちた、落ちた。。。」 Nemo was home, brushing up against the anemone, when the most awful singing he’d e…


January 11: Soup’s On (スープは準備できた) Mulan stood in the kitchen, moodily stirring a pot of soup for supper. Grandmother Fa sat at the table, sorting through grains of rice. Neither one of them spoke. ムーランは台所に立って、夕食の…


January 10: Imagine That!(すご~い!) The carnival was in town and Pinocchio couldn’t wait to see it. He grabbed his friend Jiminy Cricket, and off they went! 街にカーニバルが来ました。ピノキオは見に行きたくてじっとしていられませんでした…


January 9: Peter Pan’s Visit (ピーター・パンが来た) John and Michael Darling sat on Michael’s bed, listening to their sister, Wendy, tell them a story about their favorite hero, Peter Pan. ジョンとマイケル・ダーリングはマイケルのベッドに…


January 8: Just Desserts (デザートにどうぞ) Belle walked to the village, thinking about the wonderful book she had just finished reading. It was full of fire-breathing dragons, magical wizards, and brave princesses. ベルはちょうど読み終…


January 7: Out for a Spin (ちょっとひとっ飛び) ※元ネタの作品を見ていないので、いつにもまして誤訳が多いかもです。ゴメンナサイ One day, Princess Ki/da was showing Mi/lo and the rest of the explorers the wonders of Atlantis. The explorers w…


January 6: A Day Without Pu/mbaa (プンバのいない日) “Mmm!” said Ti/mon. “Breakfast time!” T/imon was showing Si/mba how to catch some very sneaky bugs in the jungle. “Too bad Pu/mbaa has to miss out. I haven’t seen him. Have you? Ooh! The…


Juanuary 5: Do/nald Takes Flight (ドナルドは飛ぶ) “Da/isy, I have a surprise for you,” said Do/nald D/uck one clear spring day. “I’ve been taking flying lessons.” 「デイジー、君をビックリさせたいと思ってさ」ある晴れた春の日、ドナルドはそう…


January 4 Monkey See, Monkey Do (猿まね) “Come on, A/bu!” Al/addin called across the busy Ag/rabah marketplace. 「おいで、アブー!」にぎやかな市場の向こうからアラジンが声をかけました。 From his perch atop the basket seller’s cart, A/bu bar…


January 3 【Off-Road Adventure】 "Lost toys! Lost toys!" announced Mi/ke the micro/phone. "Help needed!" 「おもちゃが行方不明! おもちゃが行方不明!」ミスターマイクがアナウンスしました。「救助を要請します!」 "What's wrong?" asked Woody. …


The Sleepover (お泊り会) “Comfortable, Pi/glet?” Po/oh asked. The two friends were having a sleepover at Pooh’s house. 「快適かい?ピグレット」プーは尋ねました。二人はプーの家でお泊り会をしているところでした。 “Oh, yes,” Pi/glet replied. …


New Year's Day It [was] the first day of the new year, and Pon/go and Per/dita [were] out for a walk with their pets, Ro/ger and An/ita. それは一年の最初の日のこと。ポンゴとパーディタはペットのロジャーとアニータを連れて(※本当はロジャーと…